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January Luncheon: Bill Crow Presents VSRA 2017 Annual Report

VSRA President Bill Crow
VSRA President Bill Crow

The first General Membership Luncheon meeting of 2018 was held on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at the Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel. The speaker for the meeting was Bill Crow, President of the Virginia Ship Repair Association. Bill presented the VSRA Annual Report - an overview of VSRA activities, initiatives, and successes in 2017 and a look ahead at the goals for 2018.

Please click here to view the 2017 Annual Report!

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Featured Article: Amendments to the Longshore Act - Part II

John A. "Jack" Martone, American Equity Underwriters, Inc. (AEU)
John A. "Jack" Martone, American Equity Underwriters, Inc. (AEU)

This is a continuation of the discussion of possible amendments to the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. In that post was a list of what I consider to be the top tier of potential amendments. Following is what I consider to be a second tier of potential amendments.

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Featured Article: Governing the Enforceability of Teaming Agreements

Shayn A. Fernandez, Williams Mullen
Shayn A. Fernandez, Williams Mullen

Teaming arrangements, where contractors agree to bid on certain government procurements as team members—often in the form of a prime contractor/subcontractor relationship, are a staple of the government contracting industry and are even specifically encouraged by the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR).

Although many government contractors are aware of the viability and benefits of teaming agreements, many are unaware that such agreements may be rendered unenforceable by the seemingly boilerplate governing law provisions included in those agreements

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12th Annual Ship Repair Virtual Lego Competition

The 12th Annual Ship Repair Virtual LEGO Competition has officially launched! The purpose of the competition is to promote the ship repair industry while increasing competitive mathematical, analytical and conceptual skills in middle school aged students.

We need volunteers to serve as room monitors, judges, and sponsors. This is a great opportunity to give back to the community and represent your company!

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12th Annual VSRF Tradesperson of the Year Awards - Launching March 1, 2018

Nominate the BEST of your best Tradespeople!  Nominations will launch March 1, 2018. The Junior awardee has less than 5 years experience in trade experience, the Senior 5 years or more in trade experience.

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VSRA Human Resources Professional Development Seminar

Registration launches March 1st for the VSRA Human Resources Professional Development Seminar scheduled for Thursday, April 5, 2018.  

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2018 VSRF Golf Tournament - All Golfer Slots are FULL - Other Sponsorships Available

All Golfer Slots are now FULL for the 2018 Virginia Ship Repair Foundation Golf Tournament. There are still other sponsorships available.


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Career Day Volunteers Needed!

Terry Stead of Tecnico Volunteers at a Career Day Event
Terry Stead of Tecnico Volunteers at a Career Day Event

VSRF needs volunteers for Career Day events. Come and share your work knowledge!

Please CLICK HERE to view our Outreach Schedule

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New VSRA Member Companies

Three new member companies joined VSRA in the month of January, bringing the membership total to 268. Please join us in welcoming:

Atlantic Rigging & Heavy Transport

Keystone Mountain Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters

The Master Lock Co.


Click below for more information on our newest VSRA Members!

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Writers Welcome! Please contact Zebedee Hamilton, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757) 391-0413, or zebedee@tidewaterstaffing.com, if you would like to submit an article.

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