July 2018 | |
Committee Updates | Training Events | VSRA Events | Resource Links |
RADM Dee L. Mewbourne to Address VSRA Membership at July Luncheon |
RADM Dee L. Mewbourne, Commander, Military Sealift Command | The July General Membership Luncheon meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at the Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel. The Guest Speaker will be RADM Dee L. Mewbourne, Commander, Military Sealift Command. Read the full article |
Featured Article: Fiber Optic Process Implementation and Risk Management |
Matthew Daugherty, Program Manager, kSARIA | With the ever-increasing technological advances in the Ship Repair Industry, the workforce is driven to acquire new skills and business processes. As the complexity of systems used by the United States Navy on its ships evolves, it consistently needs to maintain a highly skilled and trained workforce. Read the full article |
June Luncheon: Dr. Edna Baehre-Kolovani Speaks to VSRA Membership |
Dr. Edna Baehre-Kolovani, President, TCC | The June General Membership Luncheon meeting was held on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at the Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel. The Guest Speaker was Dr. Edna Baehre-Kolovani, Ph.D., President of Tidewater Community College. Read the full article |
Featured Article: Opportunities Abound |
Richard T. Harris, Sagemark Consulting | On May 9, 2018, a Navy Lieutenant Commander and I escorted three First Colonial High School seniors to tour Lyon Shipyard in Norfolk. This tour originated earlier this year due to my involvement with a newly formed 501 (c) 3 organization named “We Are VB”. WAVB is committed to help the significant number of “homeless” (no permanent residence) students at FC experience as near a normal high school involvement as possible. Read the full article |
Register Now - Business Exit Strategy and Succession Planning Seminar |
Introducing the first VSRA Business Exit Strategy and Succession Planning Seminar on Thursday, August 23rd, 2018 at the VSRA Penthouse. This seminar focuses on the key issues related to planning an exit strategy or succession plan for your business. Read the full article |
2018 VSRF Golf Tournament: All Golfer Slots FULL, Other Sponsorships Available |
Mark your calendars for the 32nd Annual VSRF Golf Tournament! All Golfer Slots are now FULL for the 2018 Virginia Ship Repair Foundation Golf Tournament. There are still other sponsorships available. Sign-up to donate door prizes and gifts by contacting LKennedy@NasscoNorfolk.com Read the full article |
Register Now - 23rd Annual Safety & Health Seminar! |
Registration is underway for the VSRA 23rd Annual Safety & Health Seminar on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at the Ted Constant Convocation Center, ODU. This year's theme is Safety: It’s not just Work, It’s Life. Read the full article |
Thank You for Attending the VSRA Race Night at Langley Speedway! |
Langley Speedway, Hampton, VA | Thank YOU to all the Member companies that came out to the VSRA Race Night at Langley Speedway on Saturday, June 16, 2018. We hope you all had a fun-filled night at the races. We certainly did! To our sponsors and volunteers, MANY THANKS for making this event a success! Read the full article |
New VSRA Member Companies |
Seven new member companies joined VSRA in the month of June, bringing the membership total to 270. Please join us in welcoming: Nelson Industrial Services, Inc. Seager Mechanical Systems, LLC Society for Protective Coatings Click below for more information on our newest VSRA Members! Read the full article |
Writers Welcome! Please contact Zebedee Hamilton, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757) 391-0413, or zebedee@tidewaterstaffing.com, if you would like to submit an article.
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