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Featured Article: Nine Ways to Ensure Safety Staff Effectiveness

John Bloess, AEU, Senior Loss Control Manager
John Bloess, AEU, Senior Loss Control Manager

Companies that make employees’ safety and health a priority often invest in formal safety programs that are directed by a safety manager or, in the case of many large companies, a team of safety professionals. This is especially evident when working in high-risk industries such as marine cargo handling and shipbuilding or repair.

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Behavior Based Safety | How Workers Work and What Leaders Look For

Andy Booth, Safety Manager, Signal Administration
Andy Booth, Safety Manager, Signal Administration

In the Maritime industry, organizations move through different levels of safety maturity as they travel their safety journey. However, a company’s safety progress can stagnate or plateau. Safety professionals and operational leaders should routinely assess and control the physical risks present in a work environment. But, why are employees still getting hurt? Do you find that the cause of injury is always the fault of an inattentive worker, and are we as leaders just looking to “blame and retrain”?

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VSRF 36th Annual Golf Tournament: Still Swinging After All These Years!

It was Eagle, Birdie, Par for the course at Cypress Point Country Club on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, for the 36th annual Virginia Ship Repair Foundation golf tournament.  Volunteers and staff arrived in full swing to greet golfers as they checked in with the volunteer staff at registration to receive commemorative items and lunch in celebration of our 36th year.  Once again it was a sold-out event and Mother Nature played along quite well too.   

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17th Annual Ship Repair Digital Innovation Competition

The 17th Annual Ship Repair Digital Innovation Competition has officially launched! The purpose of the competition is to promote the ship repair industry while increasing competitive mathematical, analytical and conceptual skills in middle school aged students.

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New VSRA Member Companies

Three new member companies joined VSRA in the month of October, bringing the membership total to 312. Please join us in welcoming:

Canyon Marine Solutions LLC (Supplier/Service/Other)

CMP Global Inc (Supplier/Service/Other)

Staffing Logistics, LLC (Supplier/Service/Other)

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Writers Welcome! Please contact Zebedee Hamilton, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757)323-3012, or, if you would like to submit an article.

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