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January General Membership Meeting: Bill Crow to Present VSRA Annual Report

VSRA President Bill Crow
VSRA President Bill Crow

The speaker for the January General Membership meeting will be Bill Crow, President of the Virginia Ship Repair Association. Bill will be presenting the VSRA Annual Report - an overview of VSRA activities, initiatives, and successes in 2022 and a look ahead at the goals for 2023. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Ted Constant Convocation Center, ODU.

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Featured Article: Top 10 Longshore Insider Blogs of 2022

Jack Martone, The American Equity Underwriters, Inc., Senior Vice President, AEU Advisory Services
Jack Martone, The American Equity Underwriters, Inc., Senior Vice President, AEU Advisory Services

The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. launched its blog in April 2009. Moderated by longshore expert Jack Martone, the blog focused on providing valuable information, advice, and commentary on the United States Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act to waterfront employers and marine brokers.

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Our partners at Tidewater Community College are in search of Maritime Structural Fitting instructors at their Skilled Trades Academy in Portsmouth.

Ensuring our community college partners have the best instructors has a tremendous impact on bringing qualified, highly skilled workers into the Ship Repair industry.

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17th Annual Ship Repair Digital Innovation Competition

The 17th Annual Ship Repair Digital Innovation Competition has officially launched! The purpose of the competition is to promote the ship repair industry while increasing competitive mathematical, analytical and conceptual skills in middle school aged students.

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The Virginia Ship Repair Association, in partnership with the Virginia Ship Repair Foundation, conducts outreach, awareness, and advocacy activities that strengthen the ship repair industry and improve the business environment for our members. Many of our industry focused projects provide your company with opportunities to feature your leadership role in the industry and expand your company footprint through sponsorships.

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VSRF 37th Annual Golf Tournament REGISTRATION LAUNCHES MON 2/6/2023

The 37th Annual VSRF Golf Tournament Sponsorship Registration will be launching on Monday, February 6th! 

Keep an eye on your inbox at 9:00 AM, Monday, February 6th. Registration will open at that time and you will receive an e-mail to secure sponsorships that include golfer slots. You must be logged into your VSRA user account to register.

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Many of the programs and initiatives produced by the Virginia Ship Repair Association & Foundation rely on dedicated volunteers from our membership. Your expertise helps us promote the Ship Repair Industry within the community and inform the future generation of workers about the benefits of a career in ship repair.

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New VSRA Member Companies

One new member company joined VSRA in the month of December 2022, bringing the membership total to 318. Please join us in welcoming:

ABM (Supplier/Service/Other)

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Follow VSRA on Social Media

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Are you on Social Media? Follow VSRA Today!

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Writers Welcome! Please contact Zebedee Hamilton, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757)323-3012, or zhamilton@craftandtechllc.com, if you would like to submit an article.

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