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SEPTEMBER GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Vice Admiral James Kilby to Address VSRA Membership

Vice Admiral James Kilby, Deputy Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command
Vice Admiral James Kilby, Deputy Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command

Vice Adm. James Kilby is a native of Pound Ridge, New York, and a 1986 graduate of the United States Naval Academy. Kilby’s sea tours were on USS Sampson (DDG 10), USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) and two tours on USS San Jacinto (CG 56). He commanded USS Russell (DDG 59) where he received the Vice Adm. James B. Stockdale Award for inspirational leadership. His major command was on USS Monterey (CG 61) and included her maiden Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) deployment in 2011.

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Featured Article: The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. “Part 2: Interesting Cases Decided During Calendar Year 2022”

Jack Martone, The American Equity Underwriters, Inc., Senior Vice President, AEU Advisory Services
Jack Martone, The American Equity Underwriters, Inc., Senior Vice President, AEU Advisory Services

This is part two of our look into interesting cases decided during calendar year 2022. Here are some non-DBA cases from the Benefits Review Board (BRB):


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Feature Article: Skilled Careers Program Boosts Access to Training for Women in Hampton Roads

The Hampton Roads Workforce Council provides strategic workforce development solutions designed to assist businesses in accessing qualified workers and job seekers in search of suitable job openings and training opportunities to bolster their earning potential. In 2019, the Workforce Council was selected as one of five recipients of the Virginia Department of Labor Women’s Bureau’s Women in Apprenticeships and Non-Traditional Occupations (WANTO) grant.

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New VSRA Member Companies

Six new member companies joined VSRA in the month of July 2023, bringing the membership total to 316. Please join us in welcoming:

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VSRA 27th Annual Safety & Health Seminar - Wed. 9/27/2023 -- Registration has LAUNCHED!

Registration is now open for the VSRA 27th Annual Safety & Health Seminar scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at the Ted Constant Convocation Center, Chartway Arena, ODU.  Be sure to secure your seat!  

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Many of the programs and initiatives produced by the Virginia Ship Repair Association & Foundation rely on dedicated volunteers from our membership. Your expertise helps us promote the Ship Repair Industry within the community and inform the future generation of workers about the benefits of a career in ship repair.

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The Virginia Ship Repair Association, in partnership with the Virginia Ship Repair Foundation, conducts outreach, awareness, and advocacy activities that strengthen the ship repair industry and improve the business environment for our members. Many of our industry focused projects provide your company with opportunities to feature your leadership role in the industry and expand your company footprint through sponsorships.


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VSRF 37th Annual Golf Tournament - ALL Golfer Slots are FULL - Other Sponsorships Available

The 37th Annual VSRF Golf Tournament will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023, at Cypress Point Country Club, 5340 Club Head Road, Virginia Beach, VA  23455.

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VSRF Partnership with Virginia Wesleyan University

Virginia Wesleyan University has updated their Online No-Cost offerings:


Virginia Wesleyan University Global Campus offers comprehensive non-degree continuing education courses designed to provide advanced skill sets valued by employers. Because of COVID-19's economic impact on our communities, VWU Global Campus—in partnership with the Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development—is offering the following professional development online courses at no cost.

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Writers Welcome! Please contact Zebedee Hamilton, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757)323-3012, or, if you would like to submit an article.

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