November 2023 Share this page     
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On the beautiful morning of October 19th, 2023, the 37th Annual Virginia Ship Repair Foundation Golf Tournament at the Cypress Point Country Club went into full swing and mirrored the triumphs of its previous outings.

In a display of unwavering support, all 148 exclusive golfer slots were claimed within 3 minutes of the registration launch, a new record for our tournament. Additionally, we had much support from the backing of 57 out of 322 member companies, who participated as sponsors, contributors, or volunteers, showcasing their dedication to the Foundation's efforts.

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Feature Article: Focus on Safety - Back-to-Basics

Andy Booth, Safety Manager, Signal Administration
Andy Booth, Safety Manager, Signal Administration

While accidents and incidents always have multiple root causes which must be thoroughly assessed to prevent repetition, nearly every accident can be avoided or mitigated through Back-to-Basics (B2B) steps implemented on every shift.  While B2B steps may be evident, it is vital that front line supervision discuss these at every shift kickoff meeting and assess employee personal conformity over the shift as they walk the operation and interact with their employees.

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18th Annual Ship Repair Digital Innovation Competition

The 18th edition of the Ship Repair Digital Innovation Competition has officially launched! The goal of this competition is to promote the ship repair industry while enhancing the competitive mathematical, analytical, and conceptual abilities of students in middle school.

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New VSRA Member Companies

Three new member companies joined VSRA in the month of October 2023, bringing the membership total to 322. Please join us in welcoming:

Confluence Corporation dba Regal Service Company (RSC)
EA Shipbuilding LLC (Ship Repair Sub-Contractor)
Wildcat Propellers, Inc. (Supplier/Service/Other)

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Happy Thanksgiving from VSRA!

From all of us at VSRA, we want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving!

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VSRF Partnership with Virginia Wesleyan University

Virginia Wesleyan University has updated their Online No-Cost offerings:

Virginia Wesleyan University Global Campus offers comprehensive non-degree continuing education courses designed to provide advanced skill sets valued by employers. Because of COVID-19's economic impact on our communities, VWU Global Campus—in partnership with the Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development—is offering the following professional development online courses at no cost.

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VSRA Volunteer Interest Form

Many of the programs and initiatives produced by the Virginia Ship Repair Association & Foundation rely on dedicated volunteers from our membership. Your expertise helps us promote the Ship Repair Industry within the community and inform the future generation of workers about the benefits of a career in ship repair.

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Follow VSRA on Social Media

Are you on Social Media? Follow VSRA Today!

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Writers Welcome! Please contact Zebedee Hamilton, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757)323-3012, or, if you would like to submit an article.

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