February 2024 Share this page     
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VSRF Admirals Night is Almost Here! Sponsorships Open!

This March 9th, VSRF is going to be the Presenting Sponsor for the Norfolk Admirals hockey team! Tickets for the game are included with sponsorships!

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Military Recruitment Assistance with Hampton Roads Veterans Employment Center

Hampton Roads Veterans Employment Center holds a weekly webinar called "How to Maximize Your Military Recruitment Efforts in Hampton Roads" where they go through topics to help give better avenues to hire military veterans that match what you are looking for.

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ODU's Monarch Internship and Co-op Office

Old Dominion University provides individualized support to their students, connecting them to internships, co-ops, and apprenticeships that meet their career needs.  They offer a seamless process for student internship placement. This is made possible through ODU’s Monarch Internship and Co-op Office.

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VSRF Partnership with Virginia Wesleyan University

Virginia Wesleyan University has updated their Online No-Cost offerings:

Virginia Wesleyan University Global Campus offers comprehensive non-degree continuing education courses designed to provide advanced skill sets valued by employers. Because of COVID-19's economic impact on our communities, VWU Global Campus—in partnership with the Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development—is offering the following professional development online courses at no cost.

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New VSRA Member Companies

Eight new member companies joined VSRA in the month of January 2024, bringing the membership total to 326.

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VSRA Volunteer Interest Form

Many of the programs and initiatives produced by the Virginia Ship Repair Association & Foundation rely on dedicated volunteers from our membership. Your expertise helps us promote the Ship Repair Industry within the community and inform the future generation of workers about the benefits of a career in ship repair.

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Follow VSRA on Social Media

Are you on Social Media? Follow VSRA Today!

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Writers Welcome! Please contact Zebedee Hamilton, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757) 391-0413, or zebedee@tidewaterstaffing.com, if you would like to submit an article.

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