October 2024 Share this page     
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New VSRA Member Companies

We have 2 New VSRA Members from September 2024. This brings our Membership Total to “326”.

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Committee Reports

VSRA's Committees are open to all members and meet regularly to discuss a range of topics pertinent to the industry. Active participants in these committees are recognized as leaders both in their specific areas of expertise and in the committee structure. Members are encouraged to engage in these meetings to not only share their knowledge but also to collaborate on addressing mutual concerns, shaping the association's positions, and developing educational content for the broader membership.

We'd like to share details on our committees and we encourage your involvement.

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Volunteer Spotlight

Many of the programs and initiatives produced by the Virginia Ship Repair Association & Foundation rely on dedicated volunteers from our membership. Your expertise helps us promote the Ship Repair Industry within the community and inform the future generation of workers about the benefits of a career in ship repair.

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Tradesperson of the Year Nominations Are Closed!

Christian Fitzgerald and Bradford Major, 2023's Jr. and Sr. Tradespersons of the Year
Christian Fitzgerald and Bradford Major, 2023's Jr. and Sr. Tradespersons of the Year


Nomination forms were accepted until October 11th.

Established in 2006, the Virginia Ship Repair Foundation’s Tradesperson of the Year Awards recognize excellence in the ship repair industry workforce. Each year, we receive numerous nominations in two categories: the Junior awardee for those with less than 5 years of trade experience, and the Senior awardee for those with 5 years or more of trade experience.

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VSRA Job Board Update - Companies

We are excited to introduce a new and efficient way for you to find the right talent through the VSRA Job Board. To streamline your recruitment efforts, we've integrated a powerful feature that connects you directly with qualified candidates.

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VSRF Partnership with Virginia Wesleyan University

Virginia Wesleyan University and The Hive are offering a range of low- and no-cost professional development workshops this fall. The workshops, running from late September through November, are designed to help participants enhance their skills and increase their employability across various industries.

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Hurricane Helene Response

Weld Solutions contributions to AFBS's Hurricane Helene relief
Weld Solutions contributions to AFBS's Hurricane Helene relief

At VSRA, we are proud to see our members coming together to make a difference in times of crisis. The collaborative spirit shown by AFBS and other contributors highlights the strength and generosity of our community. We encourage all members to continue supporting these vital efforts and stay engaged in helping those in need.

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Writers Welcome! Please contact Zebedee Hamilton, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757)323-3012, or zhamilton@craftandtechllc.com, if you would like to submit an article.

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