Membership Pre-Application

Welcome! Your Profile and access to Member Only content will be active once your Membership is APPROVED. Click here for our by-laws. You will use the Email and Password you enter below to login and complete your application as well as check approval status. Fill out the Pre-Application below and then click Submit Pre-Application which will send you an email with a link to fill out the rest of the application. This allows us to verify your email and reduces fraud. There is a onetime Membership Application Fee of $250.00 which can be paid by credit card while in the system, or you can elect to mail a check. Your Membership Application cannot be processed until the $250.00 application fee is paid. Thank you!

Click Here for an Overview of VSRA Programs.

Click Here for Membership Promo Sheet


Pre-Application Information

Please Note: This will also be your login for the member application.

Please check the following: