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TCC, Virginia Ship Repair Partner for Training Program

November 15, 2017

TCC, Virginia Ship Repair partner for training program in pipefitting

From TCC Today

A new partnership between Tidewater Community College and the Virginia Ship Repair Association (VSRA) offers a Pre-Hire Training Program in Pipefitting for students seeking immediate employment in an in-demand career field.

The VSRA program is designed to help meet the workforce needs of regional shipbuilding and ship repair companies by providing hands-on training in pipefitting. Students enrolled in the program learn to install and maintain high and low pressure pipe systems and support equipment aboard waterborne or Naval vessels.

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Results: 2017 Virginia Ship Repair Awareness & Perception Survey Results

September 01, 2017

Click here to view the results of our recent public perception survey

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Daily Press: Glen McClure Exhibit Review

July 25, 2017

"Photographer's wide-ranging eye for faces and landscapes on display in Hampton"

The Daily Press, July 24, 2017

Please click here to view a recent Daily Press article reviewing Glen McClure's exhibit on the Ship Repair Workers of Hampton Roads.

PLEASE READ: Preserve Our Navy's Readiness - Save Our Jobs

April 12, 2017

As many of you may be aware, the negative impact of Congress not approving the recent Navy supplemental appropriations request combined with possibly having to operate the entire year under a Continuing Budget Resolution will be devastating to our Navy’s fleet.

The Virginia Ship Repair Association provides this information so that local member companies and their employees may share with the entire Hampton Roads community and ship repair companies nationwide to contact their members of Congress and voice their concern by urging them to pass the 2017 National Defense and Mid-Year Supplemental Appropriation Bills to alleviate this very disastrous situation. 

Provided below are sample letters, each including the phone numbers of our congretional delegation (phone calls are strongly encouraged as well):

1. Download a VSRA Member Company Sample Letter

2. Download a National Industry Company Sample Letter

3. Download a Community/Employee Sample Support Letter

Reference A - Navy CR Implications Info Paper, please include with each letter sent.

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DFARS Cyber Security Change: 252.204-7012 Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting.

March 24, 2017

December 31, 2017 is the compliance deadline for DFARS 252.204-7012 Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting. You can view DFARS 252.204-7012 HERE.

In preparation for this compliance deadline, VSRA has developed a Cybersecurity Committee to assist companies in navigating this federal requirement. The Committee meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 9:00 AM at the VSRA Office in Downtown Norfolk.

Please contact Barbara Washer, VSRA Development & Event Strategist, for more information: (757) 233-7034 or

Mr. Stanley J. Dutko, Jr., OSHA Area DirectorMr. Stanley J. Dutko, Jr., OSHA Area Director

Mr. Stan Dutko, OSHA Area Director, Speaks to VSRA Membership

June 15, 2016

Mr. Stanley J. Dutko, Jr., OSHA Area Director - Norfolk Area, spoke to the VSRA General Membership at the June 14 General Membership Luncheon. Provided below is the presentation given by Mr. Dutko. This brief provides information on:

•New Penalty Update (August 2016)
•New OSHA 2015 & 2016 Recordkeeping Reporting Requirements
•New Silica Standard
•National Campaigns in Preventing Falls and Heat Illness
•OSHA Compliance Resources
•Culture of Safety

Please click here to view the presentation!

Luncheon Flyer - June 14, 2016 General Membership Meeting

June 14, 2016

Please click here to view the Luncheon Flyer from the June 14, 2016 General Membership Meeting.

June is National Safety Month

June 01, 2016

June as National Safety Month  

Each June, thousands of organizations get involved and participate in this annual observance to educate and influence behaviors around leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths. With more than 75 percent of all unintentional injuries occurring in the home and community, this year’s National Safety Month theme – SafeForLife – emphasizes the importance of safety both on and off the job.

NSC will be highlighting the following weekly topics throughout June:

  • Week 1: Stand Ready to Respond
  • Week 2: Be Healthy
  • Week 3: Watch Out for Dangers
  • Week 4: Share the Roads Safely

For each week, participants have access to free downloadable materials including posters, tips sheets and games. You can also sign up to receive the Council’s free NSM materials here.

The following are examples of the free materials on the NSM webpage that you can help promote:

WVEC Interview with Bill Crow

May 25, 2016

Via WVEC: NORFOLK, Va. (WVEC) - The piers and dry docks at the old Metro Machine, now NASSCO, are not exactly humming with activity right now. It's simple mathematics. In 2012, there were 56 surface combatant Navy warships based here. Today, it's 38.

"That's concerning because they've got to pay their bills and they pay their bills by keeping ships there and keeping them repaired," said Crow, who is hopeful there will be brighter days ahead.

"In the summer, we should see relief," he said. "And it looks like that should continue to improve on into fiscal year  '17 and through a good part of fiscal year '17."

Please click here to see Mike Gooding's complete WVEC 13News Now story on local shipyards, including an interview with VSRA President Bill Crow.

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Ruffner Academy Students React to Making the LEGO Competition FinalsRuffner Academy Students React to Making the LEGO Competition Finals

Digitized Lego competition gives middle-school students a feel for shipyard careers

March 25, 2016

Click here to view the full story from The Virginian-Pilot!