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Safety and Health Injurt Prevention - Shipfitting

October 06, 2008

The latest OSHA Safety and Health Injury Prevention Sheets (SHIPS) on Shipfitting is available online. Please click the below link for details and to download the document.

New eTool for Powered Industrial Trucks

October 03, 2008 The Powered Industrial Trucks (Forklift) eTool is the latest Web-based training tool unveiled by OSHA. This eTool, which identifies forklifts commonly used in general industry, provides a review of potential hazards and a summary of key OSHA requirements and industry-recommended practices for forklift operations. It includes four modules examining the types of forklifts, safe operating practices, workplace conditions affecting operation, and operator training. OSHA offers other eTools on occupational safety and health topics on its Web site at

NSRP Releases Hex Chrome Exposure Report

September 17, 2008 The Naval Shipbuilding Research Panel (NSRP) has released its  NSRP Hexavalent Chromium Exposures Report.  This industry wide survey was collected from shipyard operations and should be of interest to all in the ship repair industry.

Preliminary FY-10 NAVSEA Standard Items and Appendix 4-E

September 16, 2008

The preliminary FY-10 NAVSEA Standard Items, SSRAC-responsible Standard Work Templates, and Appendix 4-E to the Joint Fleet Maintenance Manual (JFMM) Volume VII, Chapter 4, have been posted on the SSRAC web site for review and comment in accordance with SSRAC milestones.  Visit and follow the links to view the items.  If you do not see the files, "refresh" your browser and try again.  Please note thatthe new 009-01 Attachment A (FY 10) was inadvertantly left off the SSRAC website.  Follow the link to obtain the new attachment. 

Changes or additions are identified by showing added or changed verbiage in bold Italics.  Deletions are identified by a vertical line in the right-hand margin beside the deletion.  New or completely revised SIs are identified by a vertical line in the right-hand margin beside the ITEM NO, DATE, and CATEGORY lines.  Note:  An item with a 01 AUG 2008 date but no visible changes indicates that the item was reviewed but no changes were made.

These results are PRELIMINARY and are not intended for immediate distribution or invocation.

Please review these products carefully and provide any comments you may have NLT 26 SEP 2008, using the 2008 SSRAC Preliminary Review Comment Form (also available on the web site).

NOTE:  Comments relating to subjects that were not reviewed by the subcommittees at the 2008 SSRAC Meeting will be deferred for consideration at the 2009 SSRAC Meeting.

Please attach and e-mail forms to or

Linda D. Mayle
Asst NAVSEA SSRAC Coordinator
SERMC Business Office Code 1220/Standards Coordinator
Ph:  904-270-5593
FAX:  904-270-5729

OSHA Training Institute Offerings

September 16, 2008 OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Center at the University of South Florida will offer the #5400 Maritime Train-the-Trainer course from Oct. 6-9, 2008, in Charleston, S.C., and the #5600 Disaster Train-the-Trainer course from Nov. 10-13, 2008, in Miami, Fla. These programs are designed for individuals who want to become OSHA-authorized 10- and 30-hour maritime course trainers and #7600 Disaster Site Employee course trainers respectively. For more information and registration details, please visit or email This fall, the Eastern Kentucky University OTI Education Center is offering OSHA training opportunities including Outreach Trainer and update courses in Louisville, Ky. Course descriptions and registration details are available at /Louisville_2008.pdf. For more information, contact Kathy Murphy at 859-622-2961 or

NFPA Seeks Ship Repair Participation

September 12, 2008
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is resently seeking representatives from the shipbuilding and repair industry to participate on the Technical Committee on Shipbuilding Repair and Lay-Up for the Standard for Fire Protection of Vessels During Construction, Repair, and Lay-up, NFPA 312
 NFPA 312 provides minimum requirements to prevent fires on vessels during the course of construction, conversion, repairs, or lay-up. 
 The standard has entered the Annual 2010 revision cycle.  The closing date for public proposals is 01 December 2008.  The Technical Committee will meet after the proposal closing date and before 27 February 2009 to take action of any public proposals and develop any committee proposals.  
 The shipbuilding and repair industry is not represented on this committee due to the recent retirement of a past member.  This is an excellent opportunity. Applications must be submitted to the NFPA Standards Council Secretary as soon as possible so that the applicant may be voted upon by the Standards Council.  
 The Technical committee meets typically twice during the 5-year revision cycle to address public proposals and comments, so there is no major commitment. Meetings may be either at a physical location or by teleconference.
 Any questions regarding the committee and NFPA 312 may be directed to
 Lawrence B. Russell
Sr. Chemical/Marine Specialist
Staff Liaison for NFPA 312
National Fire Protection Association
1 Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA  02169-7471
Tel: 617-984-7499

OSHA Compliance Resource - Hurricane Cleanup Hazards

September 11, 2008 As part of our efforts through the Alliance Program to share information on OSHA compliance assistance and outreach resources, I want to make you aware that OSHA has released several public service announcements (PSAs) to help protect employees from hazards during hurricane cleanup and recovery operations.

The PSAs, read by Assistant Secretary Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., and available in both English and Spanish, can be downloaded from the Audio News Release Web page on the Department of Labor’s Web site and from the OSHA Hurricane Recovery Web page on the Agency Web site. These messages inform listeners about hazards including falls from heights, carbon monoxide poisoning from generators, electrocution from fallen power lines, lacerations from tree trimming and automobile injuries from working around roadways.

The OSHA Hurricane Recovery Web page also includes a number of fact sheets and QuickCards designed to provide employers and employees with quick information on the leading hazards that workers face during recovery operations.  The fact sheets include Flood Cleanup, Working Safely With Chainsaws (English, Spanish), Working Safely Around Downed Electrical Wires, Heat Stress, and more.  Many of the QuickCards are also available in Spanish. 

Lockout/Tagout Safety Alert Published

September 10, 2008

Through National Alliance of the Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA) and OSHA, and in coordination with ASA, ASSE, AIHA, and NSRP, we are pleased to share the recently approved Safety Alert for Control of Hazardous Energy. This Alert is the next in a series of Alerts being developed on electrocution hazards in shipyard employment. We hope that you find this useful.

OSHA Proposed Rule - Respirator Enforcement

August 28, 2008

On August 19th,OSHA proposed adding language clarifying that noncompliance with PPE and training requirements may expose employers to liability on a per-employee basis. The amendments consist of new paragraphs added to the introductory sections and changes to the language of existing respirator and training requirements of Parts 1910 and 1915, among others.

IMPORTANT- This proposed action only affects the Agency's ability to treat an employer's failure to provide PPE or training to each covered employee as a separate violation. The amendments add no new compliance obligations. Employers are not required to provide any new type of PPE or training, to provide PPE or training to any employee not already covered by the existing requirements, or to provide PPE or training in a different manner than that already required. The amendments simply clarify the remedy for violations of these requirements.

What you need to know about this rule…

    • OSHA is proposing to add a new section to subpart A of parts 1910, 1915, 1917 and 1918, and to subpart C of part 1926. These new sections contain general information about the scope and applicability of the standards in each part.
    • Each new section will contain two new paragraphs, identical for each Part.
    • The first new paragraph states that standards in the part requiring employers to provide PPE, including respirators, impose a separate compliance duty to each employee required to use the PPE, and that each failure to provide PPE to an employee may be considered a separate violation.
    • The second new paragraph expressly states that standards in the part requiring training on hazards and related matters, such as standards requiring that employees receive training or that the employer train employees, provide training to employees or institute or implement a training program, impose a separate compliance duty to each employee covered by the requirement. Each failure to train an employee may be considered a separate violation.
    • The proposed rule also includes revisions to specific respirator paragraphs including language explicitly stating that employers must provide an appropriate respirator and implement a respiratory protection program for each such employee. The affected standards include the general respirator standard, most general industry toxic-substance health standards in Subpart Z of 1910, as well as the shipyard employment asbestos standard 1915.1101 and 1915.1026, Chromium (IV).

All proposed language and additional information can be viewed in Respirator Enforcement language.

Ann Howell Receives Her Bachelor's Degree

August 28, 2008

On a sunny day in June, family gathered to watch Ann Howell, VSRA Administrative Assistant, participate in the graduation of her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from St. Leo University.  It was a proud day for her family, as it was for the VSRA staff.   But there was one thing that had to be accomplished for the degree - a comprehensive exam that was scheduled for late July.  After a bit of "angst" as the date grew near, Ann was fully prepared when the exam day arrived.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  She has finally learned that she successfully passed the comprehensive.  She is now the elated recipient of a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Ann set her goal of completing her bachelor's degree while she was serving as a Religious Speicialist in the U.S. Navy.  With a steady strain and dedication, she continued her quest after leaving the Navy and joining the VSRA Team in late 2006.

Congratulations go to Ann from all the VSRA member companies who have the fortune of being served by Ann.  She is well known for her customer focus within the association.  BRAVO, Ann!