Cheryl Boyd, Vice President of Administration, Advanced Integrated Technolgies (AIT)
In an industry where turnover is high, which can result in increased recruiting and training costs, offering competitive pay and benefits is not enough.
Employees most often want to be recognized and shown appreciation for doing a great job. Because each employee can have a different preference regarding how he or she is recognized and shown appreciation, it is essential to determine what motivates each of your employees. Doing so will help you provide the recognition we all want and retain your valuable employees. The following are a few strategies that can help.
Manage everyone individually. Everyone is different, but some are so different that they may require a personalized management style. Knowing your employees on an individual basis is the only way to know how to manage them effectively. Recognize their strengths, and challenge employees with specific goals they can achieve.
Support new ideas. When employees come to you with an idea or a solution to a problem they believe is for the betterment of the company, it is a sign they care. Supporting new ideas and giving an individual the chance to “run with it” is motivating, whether or not it works out in the end.
Empower each individual. Every single individual contributes to the bottom line. Empowering your employees to excel in their role, no matter how large or small, creates a sense of ownership that will lead to meeting and exceeding expectations.
Listen. This is probably the easiest thing you can do for an employee; however, it can also be the most difficult. Carving out some time each day to listen to anything from concerns to ideas will not only make your employees happy, it will also provide you with much-needed insight into your business from the people who help keep it running.
Encourage friendly competition. A competitive environment is a productive environment. Encouraging employees to participate in competitions or challenges is healthy and may actually lead to increased camaraderie.
Be clear with expectations. Do not leave too much to be determined. Set clear expectations so you can plan for specific results.
Make things interesting. Shaking things up every now and then is a good way to break up the day-to-day routine of the work schedule. Bonuses, vacation days, office parties and holiday parties are many of the tools employers can use to reward employees for a job well done and motivate them to produce similarly stunning results in the future while also keeping morale high.
Employee awards. I believe that companies with a culture that supports employee recognition have more engaged employees and better employee retention.
Education/training reimbursement plans. Offer training courses to encourage your employees to reach their full potential while also ensuring your company structure flows smoothly.
Education reimbursement plans for courses directly related to your employees’ jobs keep your company compliant and also keep employees educated during changing times, especially in our industry. This also creates a stronger commitment from employees when an employer takes interest in their particular skillset.
So while providing balance, welcoming new methods and cultivating a positive work environment, give them a reason to come to work every day… an employee who enjoys coming to work every day is a good investment in your organization!
About the Author
Cheryl Boyd is the Vice President of Administration for Advanced Integrated Technologies (AIT) & Surge Force where she is responsible for Human Resources, Accounting, Purchasing and the West Coast Staffing Division. She has been employed with AIT for 5 ½ years.
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