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Contracts Committee Seminar Series - REGISTER NOW!

Registration is now open for the VSRA Contracts Committee's Annual Seminar Series! This year, four seminars are planned on a variety of valuable topics with expert panelists. After each seminar, there will be a reception with refreshments and networking opportunities. View the event flyer here!

Please click here to view the seminar flyer!

Member Company Seminar Costs: $50 per seminar / $175 for all four seminars
Non-Member Seminar Costs: $100 per seminar / $350 for all four

To register for individual seminars, please click the appropriate link below, or visit the events page at www.VirginiaShipRepair.org.

The 2016 Contracts Seminar Lineup:

Growing Your Business - Thursday, October 13, 3:00 - 4:30 PM

Panelists will introduce and discuss strategies for growing a business that specializes in government contracting and address meaningful metrics for assessing growth that truly adds value.
Bob Korroch, Williams Mullen
Jeff Estes, McPhillips, Roberts & Deans
Darrick Wickre, PNC Bank
Tracy Gregorio, G2 Ops, Inc.
Industry Speaker TBA
Williams Mullen, 222 Central Park Ave, 17th Floor, VA Beach, VA 23462

The New World Order: Fixed Price Contracting - Tuesday, October 25, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Panelists will seek to inform attendees on what every MSMO Prime and Subcontractor should know about fixed price contracting: how MACMO differs from MSMO, what the Navy's plan is for MACMO, and general pitfalls and procedures of fixed price contracting.
Kaufman & Canoles, 150 West Main Street, 21st Floor, Norfolk, VA 23510

Data Breach: Your Business Has Been Hacked. Now What? - Tuesday, November 15, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Today’s industry experts convey there are two types of organizations; those that have confirmed breaches, and those that have yet to identify their breach. The current threat landscape demands that each organization be vigilant in the fight to protect critical business assets including brand reputation. In this seminar, panelists will engage attendees by simulating a data breach step-by-step, from the first call warning of a potential breach through any lawsuits and third-party issues that arise.
Kevin Cosgrove, Hunton & Williams
Terry Murphy, Kaufman & Canoles
Additional Panelists TBA
Kaufman & Canoles, 150 West Main Street, 21st Floor, Norfolk, VA 23510

Questions? Please contact Barbara Washer at BWasher@VirginiaShipRepair.org BWasher@VirginiaShipRepair.org or call the VSRA Office at (757) 233-7034!

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