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SAVE THE DATE: 2022 VSRA Annual Member Networking Social


We are excited to announce our upcoming 2022 VSRA Annual Member Networking Social on Thursday, July 21, 2022 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at ODU's Ted Constant Convocation Center in the Big Blue Room! 

We hope that you will join us for an evening of networking with fellow Association members, delicious food, refreshing beverages, music, door prizes, and even a photo booth! 

The event is open to VSRA members only. Registration launches soon!

Please consider highlighting your business by sponsoring this networking event. As a valuable sponsor, your company will be featured on the overhead screen throughout the evening and on all event marketing including the VSRA website and flyer. Please click here for Sponsorship Package details and to register your sponsorship. 

If you have questions, please contact Sylvia Bell at (757) 233-7034 or SBell@VirginiaShipRepair.org.

We can't wait to spend the evening with you! See you at ODU on July 21st!

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