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OSHA-VSRA Partnership Executive Luncheon

This past April 8th marked a significant occasion for the Virginia Ship Repair Association as we hosted the annual OSHA-VSRA Partnership luncheon. This event underscores our unique position as the only maritime organization partnered with OSHA, reflecting our commitment to fostering a safe working environment in the ship repair industry.

We were honored to welcome distinguished OSHA representatives, including Brian A. Rizzo, Robert Polite, and Natalie Starks. Their presence, alongside OSHA-VSRA Partnership committee co-chairs Nate Stanton and Larry Ryan, highlighted the strong collaborative efforts aimed at enhancing shipyard safety. This partnership serves as a testament to our mutual goal of ensuring the well-being of maritime workers.

At this luncheon, there was discussion over the multiple benefits for companies involved, the goals for those in the partnership, data over the past year, updates to the Walkaround rule, and other key topics addressing the safety of our industry. Those in this partnership have the ability to talk to and ask questions to OSHA directly.

The engagement and support of VSRA member companies are crucial to the success of this partnership. We strongly encourage all members to get involved with this initiative, which remains unparalleled in the industry. Participation not only contributes to improving safety standards but also strengthens the community’s commitment to health and safety in maritime operations.

As we continue our collaboration with OSHA, we are proud to acknowledge the strides we have made together. Thank you to all our members and partners for your dedication and support in making the maritime industry a safer place for everyone. Your commitment to workplace safety and health is what makes this partnership not only possible, but a notable success.

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