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APRIL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON: Rear Admiral Richman Spoke to Membership

During the April 16th luncheon, Rear Admiral Michael S. Richman, Deputy Commander for Cyber Engineering at NAVSEA, provided a comprehensive and insightful address to the Association's membership. VSRA was very honored to have the Rear Admiral present and we are happy to share details about what he shared with the membership in attendance.

Rear Admiral Richman began his speech with a few personal anecdotes, sharing his family's experiences during March and their sports allegiances. These light-hearted remarks helped to establish a connection with the audience and set a relatable tone for the more serious topics that followed.

He then transitioned into discussing the vital role of ship maintenance and repair within the Navy, emphasizing that these activities are fundamental to naval operations. He noted that ship repair and maintenance continue to be crucial despite the challenges posed by recent global events. Rear Admiral Richman stressed that the resilience of the maritime industry has allowed it to overcome economic and logistical hurdles, ensuring that ships remain operational and ready for deployment.

He detailed his responsibilities in cyber engineering and digital transformation within the Navy, highlighting the significant collaboration required with sustainment teams. Rear Admiral Richman pointed out that about 90% of his time is spent working hand-in-hand with sustainment personnel, underscoring the importance of maintaining operational readiness through effective teamwork.

One of the key challenges discussed by the Admiral was the integration of digital transformation and cyber engineering within the Navy's public shipyards and regional maintenance centers. He shared insights into managing the 23 pieces of software essential for ship maintenance, emphasizing the need to streamline these processes to enhance efficiency. The complexity of managing such a vast array of software highlights the importance of having a clear and structured approach to digital transformation.

Data-driven decisions were a central theme in Rear Admiral Richman's address. He emphasized the importance of using data to improve operational efficiency and make informed decisions. Command data officers play a crucial role in this process, helping to manage and utilize the vast amounts of data generated by ship maintenance activities. The Admiral explained that transforming data into actionable knowledge is essential for making strategic decisions that enhance the Navy's operational capabilities.

Technological advancements were another focal point of the Admiral's speech. He discussed the need for continuous improvement and adaptation to new tools and software to stay ahead in the industry. Embracing technological innovations is not only about improving efficiency but also about ensuring higher safety standards and better performance in ship maintenance and repair operations.

Security and survival were critical themes addressed by Rear Admiral Richman. He stressed the necessity of securing data and maintaining operational capabilities even under cyber-attacks. The Admiral discussed the establishment of a Cyber Plan Response Center, which is designed to manage and mitigate cyber threats. This center plays a crucial role in ensuring that the Navy can continue to operate effectively even when faced with digital threats.

Rear Admiral Richman also mentioned having a clear strategic vision, or "North Star," to guide digital transformation efforts. He emphasized the need for a structured approach that links digital capabilities with operational outcomes. This strategic vision helps to ensure that all digital initiatives are aligned with the Navy's overarching mission of delivering ships and submarines on time and maintaining force readiness.

Collaboration with industry partners was highlighted as essential to achieving the Navy's goals. Rear Admiral Richman encouraged open dialogue and shared problem-solving to improve processes and outcomes. He stressed the importance of strategic partnerships between the Navy and private shipyards, which have been instrumental in maintaining fleet readiness. Further cooperation between public and private entities is crucial for fostering innovation and efficiency in ship maintenance and repair.

The luncheon concluded like other luncheons, with a dynamic Q&A session, where VSRA members had the opportunity to engage directly with Rear Admiral Richman. The topics ranged from specific technical queries to broader strategic concerns. The Admiral's candid and insightful responses were well-received, leaving attendees with a sense of clarity and direction for the future.

Rear Admiral Michael S. Richman's emphasis on innovation, workforce development, and sustainability reinforced the critical role that the maritime industry plays in the broader economic landscape. We hope the event highlighted the strength of the community within the VSRA and set a positive tone for future endeavors for those in attendance due to Richman's words.

In conclusion, the insights shared by Rear Admiral Richman provided valuable guidance for the industry professionals in attendance, encouraging them to continue striving for excellence in ship maintenance and repair operations. The Navy's commitment to maintaining operational readiness and adapting to future challenges through innovation and strategic planning was evident throughout the Admiral's speech.

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