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VSRA 17th Annual Safety & Health Seminar

Safety Begins with You! “Make it Personal”

The 17th Annual Safety & Health Seminar, sponsored by the Safety Committee, was once again a higly attended and well received event. There were 188 in attendance.  A dynamic day of presentations, activities and networking for employees who ensure their personal safety and those around them was highlighted by a presentation from Mike Barakay of the Virginia Beach Fire Department.

This seminar provided both an opportunity for employees to earn professional training credit hours, as well as network with their peers in the region. Featured presentations included safety tips from field experts in the trades crafts, as well as sessions on the personal responsibility of safety for all workers.

Seminar attendees received a Certificate of Participation. The event contained 8 Training hours which can be claimed for CM credit.

If you are interested in sponsorship for 2013, or have further questions about the seminar, please call Sylvia Bell at 757-233-7034, or e-mail, SBell@VirginiaShipRepair.org

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