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9th Annual LEGO Competition!

The 9th Annual Ship Repair Industry Awareness LEGO Competition has officially launched! The purpose of the competition is to promote the ship repair industry, while increasing competitive mathematical, analytical and conceptual skills in middle school aged students.

Just as we have in past years, this year we will need volunteers to serve as technical advisors and judges. We also need Sponsors for this event! This is a great opportunity to give back to the community and represent your company!

To get involved, please contact: Bahar Huffman at BHuffman@VirginiaShipRepair.org or Sallena Nikitas at SNikitas@VirginiaShipRepair.org

Duties of technical advisors include:

  1. Attend the Orientation Lunch at VSRA
  2. Contact the Team Leader (Teacher)
  3. Attend the Team Event Kick-Off in late January. 
  4. Review team progress by e-mail/phone 2-3 times during February
  5. Visit the team in early March when the design is almost complete – offer advice for improvement (this is the ‘Mid-Engineering Critique’)
  6. Watch the students practice their presentations and offer feedback
  7. Attend the Preliminary Competition
  8. Attend the Final Competition (accordingly)
  9. Required Time Spent: 10 hours (minimum)


  1. Expected to attend Judges Orientation to review the scoring process
  2. Attend Preliminaries and/or Finals to judge performances according to the scoring sheet
  3. Offer advice/feedback for team improvement

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