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Committee Reports

VSRA's Committees are open to all members and meet regularly to discuss a range of topics pertinent to the industry. Active participants in these committees are recognized as leaders both in their specific areas of expertise and in the committee structure. Members are encouraged to engage in these meetings to not only share their knowledge but also to collaborate on addressing mutual concerns, shaping the association's positions, and developing educational content for the broader membership.

We'd like to share details on recent and upcoming committee information and we encourage your involvement.

  • Communications - Chair: Zebedee Hamilton (Tidewater Staffing)
    Next Meeting: August 28th, 2024
    The Communications Committee will discuss outreach strategies and will be doing a review of VSRA 101, which is scheduled on August 6th. Minutes are available at the committee's webpage on the VSRA website.

  • Contracts - Chair: Tony Mazzeo (Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black PLC)
    Next Meeting: August 1st, 2024
    Minutes are available at the committee's webpage on the VSRA website. Additionally, the Contracts Committee is about to start planning the annual Contracts Seminar Series. If you'd like to get involved, please reach out to Billy Bingham at BBingham@VirginiaShipRepair.org.

  • Cybersecurity - Chair: Tracy Gregorio (G2 Ops)
    Next Meeting: September 26th, 2024
    Cybersecurity had their last meeting on June 27th with former St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Greg Tomchick of Valor Cybersecurity presenting. You can learn more by seeing our LinkedIn post about the meeting. Minutes are available at the committee's webpage on the VSRA website.

  • Human Resources - Chair: Chris Abel (Willcox Savage)
    Next Meeting: August 7th, 2024
    The Human Resources Committee had their last meeting on July 3rd, where Brian Winterstein presented on special considerations for employers with workers in California, Mike Collett spoke about avoiding pitfalls when you have workers in North Carolina, Florida, Washington, and Hawaii, and Chris Abel addressed staying on the right side of the law concerning per diem payments to workers. Minutes are available at the committee's webpage on the VSRA website.

  • Quality Assurance - Chairs: Dennis Robbins (MHI Ship Repair and Services) and Mark Salladay (Colonna's Shipyard)
    Next Meeting: September 10th, 2024
    The Quality Assurance Committee meeting for July was cancelled and will now meet in September. Minutes for previous meetings are posted on the committee's webpage on the VSRA website.

  • Safety and Environmental - Chairs: Larry Ryan (MHI Ship Repair and Services) and Donna Watkins (General Dynamics NASSCO-Norfolk)
    Next Meeting: September 12th, 2024
    The recent Safety and Environmental Committee meeting was cancelled. Minutes are available at the committee's webpage on the VSRA website.

  • Security - Chairs: Leigh Kennedy (General Dynamics NASSCO-Norfolk) and Neil Burns (MHI Ship Repair and Services)
    Next Meeting: September 3rd, 2024
    The recent Security Committee meeting was cancelled. Minutes of previous meetings are available at the committee's webpage on the VSRA website.

  • Workforce Development - Chair: Tim Richardt (Hampton Roads Workforce Council)
    Next Meeting: August 14th, 2024
    The Workforce Development Committee had their June meeting focused on WISC with a panel of women representing workers in our industry. You can learn more by going to the LinkedIn post. Minutes are available at the committee's webpage on the VSRA website.

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