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Race Night is Revving up


Join us on Saturday, June 8 as your Virginia Ship Repair Foundation once again hosts Ship Repair Race Night at Langley Speedway! Racing begins at 7:00 PM!

This event promotes our industry to possible future employees, signals VSRA and member companies as strong supporters of Hampton Roads, and provides an opportunity for camaraderie and fun for your employees - our hardworking ship repairers! This is also a great venue and event for recruitment and networking.


Thank you to our sponsors whose support make this event possible:


Member companies can get involved in several ways:

  1. Click here to Request your 10 FREE tickets!
  • Donate promotional items for fun fan giveaways!
  • Click here for a Printable Flyer for your break room!
  • Volunteer to help with the VSRA booth, ticket table, or SkyBox!


Contact Anika Clickener at AClickener@virginiashiprepair.org or (757) 233-7034 x 100 for further information and to volunteer.

Please help us ensure the widest distribution of all this information by forwarding to others in your company who may be interested and encouraging your employees to attend Ship Repair Race Night! We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 8th for an exciting night at the races!

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